Although this discussion is about English immigration, I would appreciate an accomodation so I could inject my experience from across the Atlantic.
I arrived in America in 1974. I came speaking italian and spanish. All of my life growing up in Philadelphia, a brief period in NYC and Boston taught me that the "land of the freedom" is NOT free.
I can still hear the taunts and ridicule of other teens and adults who mocked our family with similar phrases like "speak-a da english-a". It was humiliating.
However, my father would ask these "noble" great-great great grandsons of english-irish-scottish-welsh heritage, "how many native american languages do you speak?". Of course the answer was none.
So, it was permissible to FORCE english and protestantism upon indigenous people without reciprocation. How typical of the comments from across the atlantic today.
How many nations did the British colonize and subjugate and exploit? So, if the tide is reversing and England is now being filled with Africans, Arabs, Asians and others, I think it's absolutely GREAT!
In the states, spanish is spreading like gangrene and I LOVE it. Watching the typical anglo-saxon americans in their suburbs becoming more and more integrated, no matter how uncomfortable is a good lesson for all. The "HAVES" of this world will not "HAVE" forever.
The world is EVERYONE's oyster, grab a bowl, jump in, and it's human soup for all!